Sunday, 15 September 2013

Photography by Jenny Do

After lunch last Sunday, RT decided that we should have an impromptu picnic. It sounded like a great idea to me, until RT asked me to pick the location...
One thing you should know about me, is that I rather dislike making decisions... As long as it's not illegal, won't land me in jail and/or result in me missing some vital internal organs, I'm usually a go-with-the-flow kinda gal.  
RT has commented that I have been getting a lot bit better as of late, but maybe he's just being polite? To help me out, RT put two options on the table. Beach or Park?

My choice? Whatever is closest! Even with two options I couldn't (really) make a decision... I have some serious decision making issues!

We did a quick pit stop at home to pick up some picnic related provisions. A couple of towels, a bottle of rosé, crackers and dip and a can of sour cream and onion Pringles. Yup, talk about a gourmet spread.

We sat at a bench for a while, sipping our wine and people watching. The Pringles tasted even better than usual.. must've been the crisp sea air  or something ;)


I wouldn't say that it was perfect
beach weather. It was more on the chilly side and cloudy, but the sun made sporadic appearances and warmed our backs - the wine also helped.

After awhile, we packed up our picnic and meandered along the coast enjoying and admiring the scenery, snapping pictures here and there.

I also enjoyed examining all the different and interesting plants. Each time I discovered a new species, I would contemplate;

1. Would I eat it? and
2. How I would prepare it
I think RT thought I was a bit strange, but that's nothing entirely new. I'm hoping it comes across as endearing *fingers crossed* ;)

I think impromptu trips/activities are great as you don't really have time to plan or stress over the little details. Great for a go-with-the-flow kinda gal like me :D

Guess who?

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