Tuesday, 16 July 2013

It's Snowing!

Not really. Living in Melbourne, you just never know whether you're going to experience four seasons in one day. However lately, it's just been cold, or REALLY cold, but not cold enough to snow. I came across a tutorial showing how you can change an image into a winter scene and add snow etc. so I decided to give it a try. I used this picture of a happy bridal party - in a park - on a clear day. Little do they know, they're about to experience a freak weather change in just a few moments *evil laugh*

Have you ever been part of a bridal party? I have... more times than I can remember. It often involves a really long day and copious amounts of awkward/cheesy poses. You name the cheesy pose and most likely, I have done it. Um, I don't know why I had to mention this. Anyway... Here's my winterised image! - and I really need to work on my segue skills.

To create this winter effect (in Adobe Photoshop) I used a number of layer masks, adjustment filters and custom brushes (for the snow). I made sure to apply a cooling filter so that the skin had a bluish tint and decided to keep the magenta as vibrant as possible for a pop of colour. Looks pretty convincing if I do say so myself. The only really unconvincing thing is that they seem too happy right? =D

Now... if only I could use Photoshop irl to transform this cold weather. I wonder who I'd have to write to at Adobe to make this happen...

To try this effect out yourself the tutorial can be found here.

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